July 09, 2008

Determination and resilience

Last Friday on July 4, I jogged the entire 6.2 miles of the 39th annual Peachtree Road Race held here in Atlanta. I think this is my 5th or 6th year participating in the race, however last year I was only able to complete 3.2 miles of the race. Now there are some people who can't even jog a mile so I won't belittle my ability to jog the 3.2 miles last year but each year that I participate in the Peachtree Road Race, I go in with the desire to jog the entire thing. Well this year, I did it! I was proud of myself because in spite of my extremely busy schedule, I managed to train well for the race.

I joined a gym where I've been taking kickboxing and this class called fast track at least twice a week and I jog twice a week. I feel better and I'm toning up nicely. Earlier this year, I made a decision to be healthier. Although I want to lose weight, I'm not focusing on the weight loss aspect. I'm focusing on eating better and being more active. It's been going well and I plan on keeping it up. I realize that being busy is not an excuse for being unhealthy. Besides, if you make exercise a part of your schedule, you won't' be too busy to do it.

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