March 28, 2007

Today is the day! adventures in prettyville continued...

Well today is the day. I am headed over to a modeling agency after I get off of work to take some snapshots. I'm quite curious as to how it will turn out. I feel pretty cute today so that should definitely translate through the camera. This could be another venture for me to get into. It would be pretty cool to be working as a model. I've always had an interest in fashion and with my newfound interest in being in front of the camera, this is a great way to learn more about that side of the fashion industry. It's cool how this experience could lead to making me a better producer overall.

Well I will keep you posted about how things go. Wish me luck!

March 23, 2007

You want me to do what?!?!

The other day I was talking to this guy I know. He is an attractive guy with a couple of different companies doing his thing. I had to know why he was single. Of course he said it was by choice. He told me that he wasn't really looking for a relationship right now. So I asked him whether he had a shortage of female companionship.

"Oh no!" was his reply. He said that he likes to have fun and if a woman understands that then it's all cool. Now I couldn't help but respect him for that because I've run across quite a few guys who feel the same way but they don't have the balls to come right out and say it.

Now this is what got me.

Within the same conversation he asked me if I liked to cook. I hesitated because I've found that many guys (especially here in the South) use that as a judgment type question. I tend to be negatively judged because I'm not the domestic type and I don't have a problem saying that. There's no need for me to pretend to be something I'm not. Now don't get me wrong, I will take care of the people in my life (just ask anyone close to me) but I'm not the woman eagerly waiting for her husband and kids to cook for and clean up after.

So when he asked me about my cooking skills, my first thought was WTF? You want to know if I would cook a meal for you right after you just said that you only want to offer a woman "fun" because you don't have time for much else.

How is it that he could do that with a straight face? The double standard in that statement alone was interesting to me. In one instance you can't help but appreciate his honesty and in another you can't help but be a little unnerved at his nerve.

It's so crazy to me...

master cleanse!

All I can say about that is Ugh!

I attempted to cleanse my body and prepare it for better eating by using the Master Cleanse. It's an old concept that Beyonce just recently made famous. She did it for 10 days and lost 20 pounds before she did Dreamgirls, which is why she looked so skinny. Well I decided to do it as a way to cleanse my system. I only planned to do it for 5 days.

Well last weekend I bought all of the necessary ingredients: lemons, grade B maple syrup, water, cayenne pepper and an herbal tea with senna in it. I planned on doing it this weekend.

Last night I mixed all of the ingredients together per the instructions. I tasted a small amount of it and although it tasted bad, I figured I could deal with it. I made myself a cup of the tea and went off to bed, hungry.

When I woke up this morning, I was ready to go forward with my cleanse. I went to the kitchen and got one of my bottles of the concoction to start drinking. The stuff tasted much worse than I remembered. I figured I could make it work so I kept drinking it. The more I drank, the worse I felt. It made me sick to my stomach after only drinking a little so I decided to abort the cleanse.

I poured all of that crap down the sink and got me some fruit to eat. I will rembark on my master cleanse experience again in the near future but with some modifications. I will tell that tale when the time comes. Right now I guess I will just work out over the weekend to prep for my foray into plus modeling.

March 20, 2007

Adventures in prettyville

Well I am about to start on a new adventure. I've always been interested in being in front of the camera. I've debated about trying either acting or modeling. Well I have been doing some research on plus modeling and I think I could be a good candidate for commercial/catalog plus modeling. Standing at 5'5 with no shoes on, I don't fit the qualifications for a high fashion plus model but I could still shoot for other work. So, next Wednesday I'm going to an agency that's currently looking for plus models to take some snapshots.

Wish me luck.

I've always thought it would be fun to enter into modeling but I would much rather have an agent to work with rather than doing it on my own. I will be keeping you guys posted on how things go. Let's hope that next Wednesday isn't my first and last foray into the world of plus modeling.

I can do it.

March 13, 2007

Education is key...

The more I work in the industry of music and entertainment, the more I realize that the most important thing people are lacking is education.

It really interests me how lots of industries make their money off of people not knowing. The music industry used to be such industry but as times change, it is becoming more and more apparent that educating people really can make things more profitable.

Consider this, if more people knew about real estate and the most appropriate way to go about purchasing and refinancing a house, maybe the real estate market would be better off because the foreclosure rate would be lower. What about the banking industry? Don't you think that banks might make more interest or fee income off of more saavy consumers? Because although overdraft fees are $32 to $35 for most banks, that fee often comes with a price to the bank in the end because the customer doesn't have any money in their account. We all know that the customers with the highest balances get the best treatment so why not educate people to get and keep those balances high?

The same goes for the music industry. Although there are record label execs who've made huge profits off of artists not having enough knowledge, I'm sure those companies could stand to make a bigger more long term profit off of artists who actually understand the business of music. With this in mind I am working on a couple of projects that will help to actually empower the artists and give them basic knowledge so that they can move confidentally into their business dealings.

Knowledge is power but using that knowledge to further positive action is more powerful.

March 12, 2007

new artist to watch-Lily Allen!!

I'm an ecletic person. When it comes to music, I will play anything from Danity Kane to Jay-Z within one car trip. I can truly say that I like all types of music. If it appeals to my senses, I will listen to it and sing along if I learn the words.

Well the other day I was watching videos getting caught up on what's new and considered hot by BET, VH1 and MTV's standards and I saw a video by this new artist, Lily Allen. I've been hearing her song on the radio for a while now and I like it because it's catchy and cute but after seeing the video, I'm sold on it.

I love how her video was so unapologetic about things that I'm sure many women want to do after a breakup but don't have the guts to do. The funny thing is that I read about her in Jane Magazine and that made me pay more attention to her as well. Jane Magazine is often unapologetic about covering all aspects of women's thoughts and lives so them writing an article about Lily Allen definitely gave her some "street cred" in my eyes.

I encourage women to check her out. People are so afraid to be completely honest about how they feel and want to react to things. This song is just one small example of how refreshing it is to own your feelings even if they may not be the most user friendly to others.

Go Lily Allen!!

March 03, 2007


I have been working really hard to build my client list. I've had several opportunities presented to me and many of them have not panned out. It's hard to work with people who may or may not truly understand how business works especially if my sole role is to publicize or promote their product or service. I guess since I also do business consulting and run my own business, I have some knowledge about running and setting up a business. It sometimes bothers me to see someone with an awesome idea and concept that can be quite profitable let it get away because of lack of humility or lack of experience.

Creating a company can be a humbling learning experience that teaches you patience and perseverance all at the same time. Everyone isn't supposed to be a business owner. Some people are great at providing the ideas and others are great at executing those ideas. There are even fewer people who are great at providing and executing ideas.

When I tell people that I have my own company, they look at me all impressed. They tend to think it's cool that I work for myself but what they don't know is that I work almost around the clock. I hardly ever get time off and I am always on call but I also have to fully understand my strengths and weaknesses.

That's what has me so frustrated dealing with some people. They refuse to accept where they are weak and allow someone else to assist. No one man is an island. No one woman can do it all. Understanding that one fact is essential. Before you even make the move to figure out what you want to name your company, you need to understand that.